************************************************************** OrderGen 1.0 Installation Info ************************************************************** PLEASE READ BEFORE CONTINUING! Runtime Modules Installation of this Shareware version of OrderGen includes the following runtime files. 1) VISION.EXE (ObjectVision 2.1) Borland International 2) PXENGWIN.DLL (Paradox Engine) Borland International 3) BWCC.DLL (Windows Custom Control) Borland International 4) OVEXTRAS.DLL (ObjectVision Extension) R. Scott McKinney 5) TREESURG.DLL (Tree Surgeon 2.1) T.J. Techniques Ltd. System Requirements 1) 386, 486, Pentium with 4 MB RAM 2) Windows 3.1x, 95 or NT 3) 2.5 Meg available Hard Disk space 4) SHARE.EXE 5) Running SHARE.EXE ----------- Unless you have the "device=vshare.exe" command in the [386Enh] section of your system.ini file, the DOS share.exe program MUST be loaded BEFORE you start Windows. You can add the SHARE command to your autoexec.bat file anywhere preceding the line containing the WIN command. Example: autoexec line 1 autoexec line 2 . . . autoexec line n SHARE WIN Or you can run share before running Windows as follows: C:\>share (typed by user at c: prompt) SHARE installed (dos system message) C:\>win (typed by user at c: prompt) Share is usually in the DOS directory, and DOS should be in the path. If DOS is not in the path, type C:\somedir>CD\DOS622 (get into the DOS directory) C:\DOS622>share (typed by user at c: prompt) SHARE installed (dos system message) C:\DOS622>win (typed by user at c: prompt) 6) STARTUP - Installation Directory --------- The target directory for the installation is "c:\visionr". This is the recommended drive and directory name for the installation. During installation, the user is allowed to change the target drive and directory names. Do not change the name of the installation directory AFTER installation has been completed. ************************************************************ Send any comments concerning the program to Applied Analytic Systems 700 Grant Street Station Post Office Drawer 3562 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 e-mail to aascorp@aol.com or 70651.1370@compuserve.com. Visit our web site at http://www.aasdt.com Unregistered shareware users will receive installation support only by e-mail or FAX. Registered shareware users will receive all version 1.x upgrades and discount on upgrade to version 2.0. Registered users also receive technical support by FAX and e-mail. **************************************************************